It's been too long since we've checked in with Fresno's podcasters. So let's set aside some time and spend the day listening to our favorite form of local indie entertainment:
THE TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: It's the 80th episode (awesome) for TD and the normal gaming talk starts at Modern Warfare 2, but eventually veers off into a Twilight tangent (terrible). Plus, there are TD bloopers - and here we always thought podcasts were one big blooper. TD Episode 80.
THE MARRIED GAMERS: Fresno's favorite gamer couple are back with their 139th episode (holy crap!). In this one, they try and determine the best video game of the year with the associate editor of the Gamer Informer, plus other nerdy exploits (which we fully support). MG Episode 139.
THE VIEW LOOKS GOOD FROM HERE, FRESNO: It's about time Adam and Ed go METAL! and what better way to do it that with Fresno's butt-metalists, Trumpet Solo. METALLL! TVLGFHF Episode 40.
STRANGERS WITH COMICS: More awesome nerdness with a discussion about Starship Troopers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a comics rundown and more. SWC Episode 108.
REDWAVE: We get a full podcast-y build up of Fresno State's Saturday New Mexico Bowl matchup against Wyoming (if you can build up that game, you've got talent, friends). Redwave Dec 9th.
THE OVERDUBS: Estranged Overdubs' band member, Justin Landis, does some storytellin' from Sandpoint, ID and then plays us all a song. Overdubs Episode 30.
DUMB DRUM: It's a little older but that doesn't make it any less listenable as the Dumb Drum camp do post game for Swedefest 4, Late Update's... update is talked up, Dead Days' John Rios is hanging out along with Brenda from Doctored Designs. The DUmb Episode 19.
DOGBYTE: Not to be outdone by Redwave, Dogbyte breakdowns Fresno State's Illinois victory and gets us set for the Wyoming game. Dogbyte Episode 13.
FLOWING WITH FAMOUS: A new episode that was recorded at Fresno's first Etsy inspired event is coming later this week (complete with really bad engineering by us). But for now there's a cool one with artists that took part in the whole Neighborhood Thrift Mural painting and ensuing controversy. Flowing With Muralists.
DIRTY DOWDY: A relatively new podcast on the scene but they've already got a lot of shows under their belt. The latest is with a comedian, a ranter and is almost two hours long. Epic. DD December 8th.
DORKTOWN: This one is all ours, which enables us to say that it sucks right now, but we plan to improve (you know, one day). We should have two new episodes out by the end of the week, but for now you can listen to the last one with the awesome Fay Wrays complete with frontman Ben playing songs for us live. Dorktown Episode 77.
*If you know of another podcast with Fresno ties, let us in on it by commenting or sending an email to [email protected].
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