We miss blogs and message boards. They were the place to have nice threaded conversations, until Facebook and Twitter came along. Problem with Twitter is good info/convos can go unnoticed if you weren't around at the exact time they're happening. So maybe we're starting a new feature here with "Twitter Threads". Or this may be the first and last. Anyhoo...
There was a good Twitter convo on Wednesday as some news leaked out that ... we'll let some dude's tweets explain:
Yes. It looks as if Fresno PD is "requesting" Tower businesses to "Pay us or else!" Which sounds like...
The Mob. It sounds like something the Mob would do. And something they sorta tried before and it didn't work so well.
Really though? Bravo, Fresno PD. Genius. You gave us a great idea to finally start making some money on The Fresnan. From now on, anytime a venue or band is mentioned in a post, they owe us $16.
That's right, The Bel-Tower, Audie's Olympic, Rademacher, Fierce Creatures, Fulton 55, Strange Vine and so on. Get ready to pay for publicity, bitches!!
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