Not that you noticed but the posts on here were a little light this week. Sadly we don't even have the nerd excuse of playing too much MW3. We just suck some weeks. Lucky for us there is a lot of music happening this weekend to make the blog appear relevant - if only briefly.
This. Is. BANDGEEK!:
KUPPAJOES: All local lineup of melodic metal and hardcore with the highly regarded (by us at the very least) Sounds & Sciences plus Infinite, Makers, The Day I Ate The Moon and CGR.
AUDIE'S OLYMPIC: Never a disappointing night when Lance Canales and the Flood play. Add rising rockers The Dirty Stomp and Casey Neill & The Norway Rats and you've got a hellava show:
MEZCAL LOUNGE: Either we need to be seeing more shows like these in Fresno ... or maybe we need to start noticing more. Either way looks like a hell of time with funk-rock-rap from Argentina with Timmy O' Tool (shared stages with Tom Morello, Fishbone and more), Outernational, Intruder Intrusos and Ezequiel Aragon:
STARLINE: Plenty of good local rock with Session, Style Like Revelators, Blackbird and Nova:
THE BEL-TOWER: Tour stop with rock bands Hit The Lights, Such Gold and Divided By Friday. [$?, 7:00, All Ages]
THE CYC: Touring acts Parley and Jamison with locals Your Hero Is A Villain, Failed Creation and Fall Of Atlas. [$4, 7:00, All Ages]
AUDIE'S OLYMPIC: Portland bands love them some Audie's, it seems. This weekend it's White Orange's Fresno turn:
FULTON 55: Mike Oz gave everyone the heads up on this one; Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears. Maybe one you don't want to regret missing, yeah?:
THE BABYLON: A full day of can food and music by Poor Man's Poison, Say Swear and more:
TOKYO GARDEN: San Francisco psychedelic rock from Blisses B. [4?, 9:00, 21+]
CLUB RETRO: Unusually large show at Retro with Salinas pop-rock band Leeds Avenue and more:
THE BEL-TOWER: Merced/Planada's Copy Cats plus Gearbox and Skeleton Radio:
THE CYC: Long Island metal from The World We Knew and:
STARLINE: Stockton glam metal band: Crash Diet:
Well that's what we found. If you know of a local band playing (or weekend event) that's not on here or you want to update, pimp or just muse about what IS on here, please use the comment section of this post to its fullest!
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