Portland rock band (with a 60s vibe) making a return trip to Fresno: 1776. Fresno is represented soundly with Westerns and Style Like Revelators. Some fine examples of the Westerns work can be found on their new EP here, check it:
Maybe the Greatest Bearded Fresnan around: Niilo Smeds (you may know him from Wheels Of Fortune) and Mallard (the Bay Area/Fresno band with Greer McGettrick, formally from Rademacher) are playing at Tokyo Garden tonight. Listen to some Mallard here. Starts around 9:00. It may be $5 or free or something.
Southern Cali reggae rock group: Dub Seeds. There will be good beer and underwhelming burgers (Who says this isn't a food blog!?) too. Show goes from 9:30 to Midnight and there is no cover.