Why aren't you listening to podcasts? What, are you afraid because there's no FCC rules and regs? It's not that scary, just click a file, wait a moment and listen. Maybe you just don't know where to find all the recent Fresno audio. That's what our new segment, "The Podcaster Report", is for. And it starts... now.
- There's a new local podcast called The Dostovei Show. All I know is, in the description, "taint chilling" is used. That's enough for me to listen.
- The Dumb Are Mostly Intrigued By The Drum has episode 9 out and it kicks my nerd-ass.
- The View Looks Good From Here, Fresno just did an episode longer than their name. It covers everything from waffles and chicken to the Batman. Check it.
- Our own Dorktown hasn't had anything new for a couple weeks. Sorry about that - as if you cared. There should be a new one by the end of the week, or not. Who cares, right?
- The mommy cast (Central Valley Moms) is still recording and talking... mommy... stuff, whatever that is.
- Flowing With Famous is pretty new, with special guests, Brodie Mash (talking swede) and Malcom Sosa (talking Famous and Rademacher). Listen to me suck on there too. No, not that kind of sucking, perv - that's for another kind of podcast.
- Mike Oz hasn't had his full-on music-cast going for a while, but he's still posting some interview style ones. His latest has local musician James Brittain-Gore talking about his new album. I really dig this kind of local stuff, listen up people!
- Free Thought Fresno has been taking it easy lately. Maybe that's because Farris was just in Hawaii... podcasting. Anyone that still thinks to podcast while on the islands is alright with this podcasting nerd.
- Fresno band, The Overdubs, are the only band in town with their own podcast. Why are they the only ones? Hell if I know.
- The Bee has a political podcast with Bill Mac and...*yawn*... gosh, sorry, once I typed "political podcast" I started getting sleepy.
- Red Wave is quietly still going strong, even in the off-season. But the Pat Hill era is slowing showing there is no longer an off-season with the football team. The Red Wave boys also have started videocasting - might be a Fresno first.
[Photo stolen from Brodie Mash]