Starbucks + Bethany Clough + Mike Oz = A blog post comment storm, the top Fresno's blogosphere post for the week, and a coffee shop that's probably still closing. But, at least, Fresnans got to bitch about it.
Should you give a roasted bean if a Starbucks is closing? No. That's like caring about whether a playplace-less Mcdonald's is closing. But the truth is, I'm a hypocrite. Because, if the West and Shaw Taco Bell ever threatens to close, I'm the first one protesting and posting.
Fresno's Bloggiest Moment of the Week: Closebucks
Starbucks + Bethany Clough + Mike Oz = A blog post comment storm, the top Fresno's blogosphere post for the week, and a coffee shop that's probably still closing. But, at least, Fresnans got to bitch about it.
Should you give a roasted bean if a Starbucks is closing? No. That's like caring about whether a playplace-less Mcdonald's is closing. But the truth is, I'm a hypocrite. Because, if the West and Shaw Taco Bell ever threatens to close, I'm the first one protesting and posting.
The Fresnan is a blog drunk on Fresno's sweet sweet booze.
We like posting about local music and random Fresno culture junk. We like Downtown, tri-tip, South of Shaw battles, tamales and remembering when there was a fig orchard at Herndon & Palm. We like to occasionally go to River Park but tell people we never go there.